My home computer is back up and the gremlins have left it. I haven't had time to update (and still really don't) because I am trying to do a really good job grading essays from my classes. Since I have close to 70 kids, that is taking a bit of time!!
Mama is doing okay. Beverly had a scuffle trying to get some poop cookies away from Mama at the beginning of the week, but hope we have that under control. We are giving Mama a stool softener so she won't have to "dig" it out ! It is working so far--will keep you posted. (sorry, but I want to be sure to share ALL with you, and this is a major part of "Life with Mama")
I am looking for more absorbent Depends, or whatever, as Mama has soaked herself and the bed at least once a night. Several nights, Michelle has had to change Mama and the bed more than once. Am not sure if she doesn't realize she needs to go or if she just doesn't want to get up.
I am going to try to go today and find some more washable bedpads. Beverly called a Home Health place and found out they have them for sale. I may see what other goodies they have that will help us with this latest "joyful experience." Do they make rubber pants for the elderly? Probably. Will we be able to get the on Mama????? I have no clue.
I just hope our washing machine holds out!! Washing sheets, mattress covers, blankets, and bedspread almost every day is a pretty big order. The septic system is definitely getting a workout, too. I may have to check into a more efficient system as the back yard becomes a bit "fragrant" after too many washings. David Green is supposed to check to see if the end is blocked, but it is cold and rainy so don't know when he will be able to get to this.
Mama is eating better. She even gets up several times, after she has gone to bed, to heat up a plate of food. I have to work quickly sometimes to change out the food before it becomes jerky. She has no concept of good or bad food. Sometimes she heats plates with only crumbs on them. She will even put those back in the refrigerator for the next round of meals. We figure we will need the larger dresses before too long.
We are trying to switch Mama over to knee-hi hose. It took a while to go from pantyhose to thigh highs. The thigh his are causing skin irritations on her thighs now. Sure don't want infected sores, so we are attempting to move to the next level. I may look for some socks since I ordered new shoes for her and they seem to have enough room for socks. Her feet stay pretty cold so socks might be in order now.
Need to go do some grading. Until next time.....Hugs.
My experiences while living with my mother and her Alzheimer's Disease.(her birthdate = January 2, 1925)