Sorry I haven't been keeping my blog up-to-date. Guess I have been busy living life instead of writing about it. It is just amazing how quickly time flies. I really did not think Mama would still be here with us, but she isn't finished with us yet. Of course, if she is waiting until I am perfected, she will be here a really llllooooonnnnngggg time!!
Here are some more copies of email to family and friends over the past month.
Dec. 4
Dear all,
My cousin, Jimmy Carson, and his wife, Karen, and their youngest son, John, came for a visit today. I thought they had somewhere else to go, but it turns out they spent some time visiting with Mrs. Andel who lives in Aunt Exie's house before coming over to visit with Mama and me. It was quick, but really nice to see them.
Margy got in around 8:30. She looks great, and we are trying to catch up on all the goings-on.
Linda called just as Margy was driving up. David and Tara are going to come tomorrow for a visit with Margy, Mama, and me. Poor Linda has to work.
I am tired. I had to be at school this morning by 6:45 to go to the UIL competition in Ganado. I better sign off and visit more with Margy before the puppies and I crash for the night.
Dec. 12
Dear All,
Mama is still hanging in there. A few times this week, I really thought that she was going to give it up, but she just keeps on plugging on.
Last weekend Beverly woke up in the middle of the night to find Mama with her head stuck through the railing on one side of the bed and her feet through the other side. I guess that must have been quite a sight, not to mention quite a challenge to undo. I asked her if she took a picture, but she just gave me a "look" so I guess she didn't. I think she was afraid I was going to be upset with her, but since Mama was not hurt, I thought it was a little funny--and very thankful that it did not happen on my watch.
Yesterday, Michelle left around 4:00 in the afternoon and Beverly didn't come until around 7. So I had Mama by myself for a short while. I decided I would be noble and tell her that if she was ready to go, I would cry but would understand. I took her hand, gave her a kiss, and very seriously said, "Mama, I know you are tired so if you are ready to go..." Before I could finish, she said, "Okay, let's go." I got tickled and kind of lost my momentum.
I made it to church today. It was nice to be back. I wish I could have taken Mama, but she was sleeping when it was time to go. Right now she is sitting up in her blue chair with Christie keeping an eye on her. I need to go straighten up my bedroom so I can find something to wear to work this week.
Hugs to one and all. And thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
Dec. 13
I called home right after school to check on things. Beverly was worried because Mama slept most of the day and didn't seem to respond when Beverly tried to wake her up. By the time I got to the house, though, Mama was up in her chair and telling me to come to her. I guess she just has to keep us on our toes!!
Mama moves around in the bed a lot, but we have to help her get up and down. We put a sheet around her to keep her from falling out of her chair--the nurse said it should be "a self-release" system so we tie it so the bow is to the side where Mama can get to it, but hope that she does not "release" it and fall out of the chair!!!
Dec. 24, 2004
Dear All,
Mama is snoozing, the roof is white, the food is pretty much together for dinner tomorrow, and the puppies are looking for crumbs. It is really cold here--not our usual shorts and air conditioning Christmas.
We have had to put Mama on oxygen twice over the past few days. We just leave it on for a few minutes, and then she seems better.
Christie is sick so she hasn't been able to work for the past couple of nights. I had originally told her she could have tonight off anyway. I hate that she is sick. Beverly is supposed to come back tonight and tomorrow night--if the roads aren't too slick for her to drive.
I hope David, Linda, and the kids are able to get here tomorrow. It will certainly be a lonesome Christmas without them.
Huzza Huzza is in my lap whining so it is kind of hard to keep typing.
Merry Christmas to one and all. Be safe.
Dec. 25, 2004
Wow, I don't think I have ever seen a White Christmas in Cedar Lane, Texas, until today. It is unbelievable!!
Beverly didn't make it in last night due to the weather. Mama slept most of the night, but the puppies took up most of the couch, so I didn't get much rest.
Merry Christmas to one and all,
Hugs, Connie
(I really need to figure out how to include pictures in this blog! For those of you who don't know where we live, we live in a little bitty village south of Houston about 12 miles from the Gulf of Mexico--between Freeport and Palacios, TX. So Snow is NOT a common occurrence, and I am not sure we have ever had a White Christmas!!)
Christmas Night 2004
Dear All,
We had a very nice Christmas. David, Linda, Tara, Don, and Karen (Don's girlfriend) all came, arriving a bit later than anticipated due to the slippery roads and a late start, but everything worked out fine. The meal was tasty, and the company was good. We opened gifts, and then I took a nap. When I woke up, David was washing the dishes. That was REALLY nice!
Beverly called a little while ago. She isn't coming in again tonight because she is afraid to drive on the slippery roads. I told her my nap would help me get through the night. I asked her to come tomorrow if Christie is still ill. She agreed to that.
Mama fell asleep in her chair so I moved her to her bed. I got out the air mattress, and it is all ready for me to crash when I am ready. I decided I didn't want to try to share the couch with the puppies again tonight--they always seem to take up too much space. They are napping in my room--too much fun in the snow, I guess.
I still can't believe there is so much snow left on the ground. It is supposed to freeze tonight so the roads are going to be real slick.
Tommy called and was in Detroit airport waiting on his flight to London. We missed him today, but hope he has a nice time.
I better go check on my fellow housemates.
Be safe,
Holiday Hugs from snowy Cedar Lane,